A List
A list
is a set of text elements arranged in single rows. The list can be either
unordered or ordered.
An unordered
list is delineated by bullets...
An ordered
list is delineated by numbers in our system...
ADMINISTRATION PAGE. Select a page to add the list to.
In order to
make a list, each text element must be created in turn. First, scroll
to the bottom of the Page Admistration page. Click on "Add
On the next page, select
"Text" as the type of element and then hit "Continue". Type in your
text element in the big box on the next page as well as selecting
a position and giving your new text element a name. Lastly, press
"Add Element".
In the element
administration for your new element, scroll down to the Additional Options
section. In the subsection, List Properties, select either...
This text element is part of a list of numbered items
This text element is part of a list of bullet items
on the type of list you'd like. (Of course, if you don't want your text
element to be part of a list, then select This text element is not
part of any list).
if your element is either the first or last in your list, then select
either Start a new list with this element or This is the
last element in its list.
Repeat all the
steps above for each element until your list is complete. That's all
there is to it!